Article II
Section 1- Members.
Any person interested in the purposes of this organization is eligible for membership.
Section 2- Classes of Membership.
A. Active:
Any person interested in the purposes may be elected as an active member. Application for active membership shall be approved by the Executive Board.
B. Other Classes:
Other classes of membership may be provided for by the Executive Board according to the best interest of the organization.
Section 3- Dues.
The amount of dues payable to the chapter shall be fixed for the calendar year by the majority vote of those members present at the annual election of officers meeting. (Members elected to membership during November and December will be entitled to membership during the ensuing year). Such annual dues shall include member and spouse.
Section 4- Privileges.
Members are entitled to all club privileges and shall have the right to vote. A member can hold office if the member has conformed to Section 3 of Article IV.
Section 5 - Suspension and Expulsion.
Payment of Dues. Annual dues shall be paid by April 30th. Any members, whose dues are not paid by April 30 shall be suspended for non-payment of dues at the discretion of the Executive Board and may be reinstated at the discretion of the Executive Board.
The membership of any chapter member may be terminated by 2/3 vote of the Executive Board for conduct unbecoming a member of the MARC/MAFCA or other cause, upon giving the member in question full opportunity to hear and to reply to the charges or reasons for such action.
Section 6- Insurance.
All members must be insured individually. The Club is not responsible for acts of members or members' vehicles and action cannot be brought against the Club for any member's careless acts for any reason.